🎀Confort Oc Meme
🌌 Specie: human-dragon hybrid
🌌 Fav traits of OC: The way he’s so cute and playful, but at the same time is extremely sadic and loves blood and making his enemies suffer as heel before killing them. (I’m so crazy XD)
🌌 How OC was Made: I wanted a main character for a good story (a BL) and… I started coping some other characters traits and then I added more things and left the originals…😹😹😹
🌌 Extra: He’s supper tolerant to pain (he has felt too much of it and of different kinds) . He could cut himself very badly and barely even notice it.
I took the idea of doing this from @KasuKama, the webtoon creator of love melodies (love that comic, I highly recommend it)

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